Since I have been practicing Yoga, my life has improved. Mindful moving and breathing at the same time, my body has been more relaxed and my mind is more focused. Even when I’m not on my mat, I practice yoga: I breath consciously, correct the position of my body and therefore calm my mind. yogalocatie hartmoedig

Why not teach children Yoga and let them experience the benefits at an early age, I thought. So they can practice it throughout their whole lives. Therefore I followed a well-established teacher training at Patty Jongmaets of Dolfijnwellness. Now I am ready to enjoy Yoga with children.

What do we practice during a lesson?

Yoga for children teaches children the yoga basics in a playful and dynamic way. In a lesson I pay attention to the postures of yoga with help from movement, games, meditation, visualization, massage and different forms of creative expression. As children are naturally playful and active, also gifted with a vivid imagination and creativity, in a lesson there’s room and attention for all of these aspects.


I think that there is nothing more important than the bond between parent and child. in our busy lives we sometimes struggle with this bond, this deep connection between us and our children. We or they are tired, emotions take over, we have to focus on work and daily chores...This is how it is nowadays.

To take time for each other en deepen the relationship is quite important. In a at home session I teach yoga with you and your child. 45-60 minutes to charge your battery together. To have fun, relax, be in your body and deepen the connection between you and your child.


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Yoga can be good for children who:

  • want to work on their balance and coordination
  • are insecure
  • have asthma
  • are experiencing difficulties in calming down
  • want to live more in harmony with themselves and others

For more information, please check my Facebook account, Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. me or call me.

Goals of Yoga with children

If your child practices yoga for children with Hartmoedig regularly:

  • your child enhances his/her self confidence
  • your child enhances his/her focus and concentration
  • your child develops and reinforces a supple body
  • your child learns to use his/her independency in a positive way
  • your child develops his/her self socially and emotionally
  • your child learns to feel through capturing the breath
  • your child learns to listen to his/her body

Do you have questions about the goals, lessons or are you questioning if yoga is suited for your child, please contact me.

Hartmoedig op facebook

Hartmoedig Kindercoaching is ook actief op Facebook. Klik hier om naar mijn Facebook pagina te gaan.


Losse les: varieert van  € 10,00 - € 13,50*

Proefles: € 7,00

10 rittenkaart: varieert van € 90,00 - € 120,00*

(hierbij mag je 1x een les missen, je kunt dus 11 weken over 10 lessen doen)

* afhankelijk van leeftijd en locatie


De lessen vinden weer plaats op de vrijdagmiddag vanaf 4 september 2020:

- 16.00-17.00 uur 5 t/m 10 jaar 

In de studio van Fabulous Yoga in Amsterdam Nieuw-West:

Yoga contact

Mobiel: 06 5245 1205




KvK: 71222774

BTW: NL131663975B01

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